A few adult bevvies at the tailgate eased my pain. : )
I played the entire game like a martyr (fool), and didn't go to the doc til Thursday. They're going to check for ligament damage today. SERIOUSLY, how can you catch an ordinary ball and break a finger??? Getting older is a drag! I'll be out of sports for a couple weeks...but you can bet I'll still be raking leaves. Ahhh, it's that time again on our little old street in Champaign. Last year I put out 81 bags before giving up.
I'm about halfway through a documentary called King Corn, produced by two college friends who move to Iowa to grow an subsidized acre of corn. The first thing they discover when giving a sample of hair is that most of the carbon in their/our bodies is CORN. Carbon is the backbone of every organic molecule in your body, including proteins and fatty acids. How is it we are consuming SO much corn? Let's go straight to the source and use their words - The Corn Refiner's Association:
Refiners separate the corn into its components -- starch, oil, protein and fiber -- and convert them into higher value products.
Corn Sweeteners are the most important refined corn products. Last year, corn sweeteners supplied more than 56 percent of the U.S. nutritive sweetener market.
Ethanol, which is gaining increasing acceptance as a cleaner burning option for motor fuels.
Starch -- a mainstay of the industry and of the U.S. economy Americans rely on corn refiners for over 90 percent of their starch needs.
Corn Oil
Feed Products for animals
Click here to check out the scoop about King Corn - definitely worth watching!!
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