I've had a nice visit with my parents. : ) Trips home are never frequent enough, really.
After three weeks (not counting shopping before "TFAM") of marketing, I'm growing sentimentally attached to some of the vendors. So many - well, almost all - are incredibly friendly, helpful, and (if they remember me) excited about discussing my "locavore" adventure. One of my faves is the guy from Kuntry Kettle. I hate that I don't know his name, but if you frequent the Market you've seen him and his honey, bbq sauce, salsa, etc. I'll post a picture so that you'll know immediately. He's fun to chat with and I've u

pdated him each week on the progress of TFAM. He thinks I could live on far less money and while I believe I'm frugal enough to cut back, I wouldn't want the powers that be to get any ideas!! : ) Anyway, I commented that I would love to do this again next summer, and he said, "you know, you'd have to do something sensational to make it better...up the ante somehow." I laughed and replied, "yeah, sort of like reality TV, right? They always have to outdo what they've accomplished in the past." I walked away still thinking about it - what COULD I do to make it even cooler if I tried again? I've found out that a person can easily live off Market food, within a very reasonable budget. Gosh. Any ideas?
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